Acne seems a very common issue now a day’s mostly in teenagers and to people with oily skin. Now what is Oily Skin? It’s nothing else but the oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin known as Sebum Production. The primary causes of acne and sebum production are hormonal imbalances, genetics, stress and certain medications. Excess sebum production can lead to clogged pores and growth of bacteria which can cause acne.

There are many natural and scientific ingredients that can help control both acne and sebum production. Some of these are Salicylic Acid (BHA), Alpha-hydroxy- acids (AHA), Strawberry, Mulberry and Witch Hazel extracts. These ingredients are rich in anti oxidants and inflammatory properties that help in exfoliation of skin, keeping the pores clear and regeneration of new skin cells. This can help correct pale, dull complexions and reduce post acne scars. It’s important to note that Acne and sebum control solutions should be chosen very carefully depending on your skin and type of acne but these ingredients are a must and best to give you desired results.

Trycone Anti Acne and Sebum Control combo is the best solution to all your acne problems. It has all the necessary ingredients in correct composition with zero harmful chemical, artificial colors or fragrance that will not only help to reduce your acne but also controls the sebum production and reducing the likelihood of developing acne. It’s your only chance to get a clear, glowing and healthy skin.

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